* Upholding Kshatriya ethics and traditions Education.
* Acting as an apex body for effective coordination between Kshatriya organization spread everywhere.
* Bringing about unity and social upliftment.
* Working for the cause of defending the nation and its natural and cultural heritage.
* Facing the problems of corruption and exploitation in the society to ensure clean public life.
* Activating Kshatriya ladies to avail of all advantages of reservation offered to women.
* Keep pace with the current trend of a market economy in improving the economic status of the Kshatriyas.
* Having inherited the qualities of Leadership Kshatriyas must be in position in all political parties from Panchayats to Parliament.
* Reservations should be extended to all economically weaker sections of the society instead of caste basis.
* Promoting social reforms against dowry and expenses after death.
* Agricultue should be given tax free facilities on the pattern of industries.